Kaiser Bike Park Meeting Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the public meeting for the proposed Kaiser Woods Bike Park. As we've covered before, this meeting is critical. Put simply, Olympia will not get a bike park unless we show the support. There are few opportunities in life where your mere presence can make a difference: this is one of those. The support for this park is clearly there, but no one will know that unless you show up. Again, that's tomorrow, Thursday, May 2nd, at 6:30 pm in Olympia's City Hall. Please, please, please take the time to be there. Bring your kids, bring your spouse, bring your friends.
Some folks have had questions about what to say/wear/etc. at this meeting. What to wear (within the bounds of public decency) is up to you. FOCF shirts? Wear 'em if you got 'em. But, also feel free to show up in your work clothes too. One of the detractors' arguments centers on a misperception and misrepresentation of who MTBers are. So, showing folks that we're the scientists, teachers, loggers, business owners, truck drivers, lawyers, and whatever it is Cam Sloan does is probably not a bad idea either.
On messaging, there are some key points to get across as we break into small groups to share visions about what we want out of a bike park and why we need one in the first place. Here are some tips:
* First and foremost... Be nice. We need to be respectful even in the face of misinformation and hysteria. Stay calm, don't get too heated, and do your best to help ease some of the irrational concerns that are being floated around.
* There is NO opportunity like this in Olympia. Capitol Forest is not a bike park, and helping folks understand that is key. Swan Creek is 45 minutes away if you're lucky. Duthie might as well be on a different continent given current traffic conditions.
* Kaiser is the place for this park. It has the perfect combination of good soil conditions, location, and undulating terrain. There is so much rock on this property, trail durability will be second to none. Winter conditions will be great. Erosion will be non-existent.
* Urban opportunities for off-road cycling are important. The closest Capitol Forest trailhead is 25 minutes away and many are down rough gravel roads that are a big deterrent to people. Plus, the ability to ride to a trailhead is a huge accessibility bonus.
* Bike parks are designed for people of all skill levels, from toddlers on push bikes to advanced riders. It's all about skill progression and getting people out in the woods.
Aside from these there are many, many other points to be made, so feel free to improvise. Be yourself, be honest, be respectful. But, most of all, be present!