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Update: Upper Greenline 6 Ready for Rebuild

As most everyone knows, the upper section of the Greenline 6 trail was logged in late 2017 and has been largely closed in the interim. We now have light at the end of that tunnel: logging operations are nearing completion and we're ready to start rehabbing the trail. And, FOCF has been retained by the logger to put the trail back in.

Here's where we stand. The upper switchbacks are completely intact, trees and all. The 150 yards above the switchbacks (i.e., the drop-in from the top of Crestline) have been cut, in addition to the roughly .3 mile section below the switchbacks up to the top of the infamous upper GL6 climb. This lower section needs significant work. Due to the specific type of logging operation, the trail tread was completely taken out. But, this gives us the opportunity to bring this section in line with the character of the rest of the trail and bring it up to modern trail specs.

Keep an eye out here and on our Facebook page for updates and special work parties. We need a strong showing to get GL6 back in shape in time for the start of the riding season.


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